RESEARCH & Writing
Refereed Publications
Stofferahn, Curtis and Aaron Ley. 2022. The Evolution of Corporate Management Practices as Employed in Conflicts Between Labour Unions and Co-operatives. Journal of Cooperative Studies, 55(2): 7-19.
Glenna, Leland L. and Curtis W. Stofferahn. 2022. The Challenge of Christian Deliberation in a Libertarian Context: The Case of the ELCA’s Social Statement on Genetics. Worldviews: Global Religions, Culture, and Ecology March 21, 2022 Online 1-31
Stofferahn, Curtis W. and Jessica D. Ulrich-Schad. 2020. Predicting Support for Oil Industry Regulatory Policy Alternatives During the North Dakota Oil Boom. Journal of Rural Social Sciences 35 (2): .
Gray, Thomas, Curtis Stofferahn and Patricia Hipple. 2014. The Language of De-mutualization; the Case of Dakota Growers Pasta Cooperative. Journal of Cooperative Studies. 47(2): 44-49.
Stofferahn, Curtis. 2012. Community Capitals and Disaster Recovery: Northwood ND Recovers from an EF 4 Tornado. Community Development, Journal of the Community Development Society. 43(5): 581-598.
Stofferahn, Curtis. 2010. South Dakota Soybean Processors: The Discourse of Conversion from Coop to LLC, Journal of Cooperatives, 24: 13-43
Stofferahn, Curtis. 2009. Personal, Farm and Value Orientations in Conversion to Organic Farming. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 33(8): 862-884.
Stofferahn, Curtis. 2009. Cooperative Community Development: A Comparative Case Study of Locality-Based Impacts of New Generation Cooperatives. Community Development: The Journal of the Community Development Society, 40(3/2), 177-198.
Lobao, Linda and Curtis W. Stofferahn, 2008. The community effects of industrialized farming: Social science research and challenges to corporate farming laws. Agriculture and Human Values. Volume 25, No. 2 (Summer), 219-240.
Stofferahn, Curtis Stofferahn, 2004. Individualism or Cooperation: Preferences for Sharing Machinery and Labor; Journal of Cooperatives 18:1-17.
Stofferahn, Curtis, 2000 Underemployment: Social Fact or Socially Constructed Reality? in Rural Sociology 65 (2): 311-330 (Special edition on qualitative methods).
Stofferahn, Curtis, Making a Living: Adaptation Strategies of the Rural Underemployed, The Great Plains Sociologist: 10: 48-67.
Stofferahn, Curtis W. Do Rural North Dakotans Have a Negative Mindset? The Great Plains Sociologist 5: 66-75.
Stofferahn, Curtis W., Cordell A. Fontaine, and Lonny A. Borgerson. 1991. Trend Analysis of Rural Underemployment: An Example from North Dakota. The Great Plains Sociologist 4: 69-86.
Stofferahn, Curtis W., Cordell A. Fontaine, Douglas J. McDonald, Mike Spletto, and Holly Jeanotte. 1991. Growth Fundamentalism in Dying Rural Towns: Implications for Rural Development Practitioners. Agriculture and Human Values. 8: 25-34.
Stofferahn, Curtis W. 1990.Free Trade or Managed Trade: Implications for North Dakota Farmers. The Great Plains Sociologist 3: 45-66.
Stofferahn, Curtis W. and Peter F. Korsching. 1986 Ecological determinants of agrarian protest. Iowa State Journal of Research 61(1): 123 141. Journal Paper No. J-10086 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa. Project No. 2409.
Korsching, Peter F., Curtis W. Stofferahn, Peter J. Nowak, and Donald J. Wagener. 1983. Adopter categories and adoption patterns of minimum tillage: Implications for soil conservation programs. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 38: 4 28 430.
Invited Publications Glenna, Leland and Curtis Stofferahn. 2018. When “Farming and Faith Collide”: The Role of Agrarianism and Libertarianism in the Opposition to the ELCA’s Statement on Genetics and Faith. Journal of Lutheran Ethics Volume 18, Issue 2.
Gray, Thomas, Curtis Stofferahn, and Patricia Hipple. 2012. Historical Retrospective on the Conversion and Multinationalization of Dakota Growers Pasta Company: A Critical Discourse Analysis. Occasional Paper from the Center for Study of Cooperatives, University of Saskatchewan.
Stofferahn, Curtis. 1998. Convergence, Divergence, or Similarity? A Test of Alternative Explanations for Perceptions of Threats to Rural North Dakota and Support for Economic Development Strategies, North Dakota Quarterly. 65(4): 228-253
Stofferahn, Curtis. 2000. Why Should Urban North Dakotans Care about Rural North Dakotans? Invited article for Prairie Public Television Website on The Changing Face of Agriculture. Chapters in Books
Stofferahn, C. 2014. In Neal Van Alfen (Ed.), Industrialized Farming and Its Relationship to Community Well-Being (vol. 4). San Diego,CA: The Encyclopedia of Agriculture and Food Systems, Elsevier, Inc.
Gray, T. and Stofferahn, C. 2013. Eliminating Organizational Tensions, Dis-embedding Farmers: A Ten-Year Retrospective on the (Organizational) Political-Economic Losses of Dakota Growers Pasta Company. Chapter 14. In Gregory Fulkerson and Alexander R. Thomas (eds.) Studies in Urbanormativity: Rural Community in Urban Society. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books, Division of Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.
Korsching, Peter F. and Curtis W. Stofferahn. 1986. Agriculture and Rural Community Interdependencies, Pg. 245 266 in Joseph J. Molnar (ed.) Agricultural Change: Consequences for Southern Farms and Rural Communities. Westview Press: Boulder, CO. Other Publications Stofferahn, Curtis, 2024, Letter from the Chair, Dakota Counsel, Winter 2024, Vol. 47. No. 3 Stofferahn, Curtis, 2024, Two Contrasting Visions of Agriculture,, Last Word, December 2nd, High Plains Reader, Stofferahn, Curtis, 2024, Go Home and Slop the Hogs: Examples of Anti-democratic Efforts in North Dakota, Last Word, October 21st, High Plains Reader, Stofferahn, Curtis, 2024, Letter from the Chair, Dakota Counsel, Summer 2024, Vol. 47 No. 2 Stofferahn, Curtis, 2024, Letter from the Chair, Dakota Counsel, Spring 2024, Vol. 47 No. 1 Stofferahn, Curtis, 2023, Letter to the Editor, Fargo Forum, December 13, 2023, It's time for NDFU members to reflect on their core values. Stofferahn, Curtis, 2023, Letter from the Chair, Dakota Counsel, Winter 2023, Vol 46. No. 3 Stofferahn, Curtis, 2023, Letter from the Chair, Dakota Counsel, Summer 2023, Vol. 46. No. 2 Stofferahn, Curtis, 2023, Letter from the Chair, Dakota Counsel, Spring 2023, Vol. 46. No. 1 Stofferahn, Curtis, 2023, Guest Column: HB 1371 Animal agriculture exemptions to corporate farming law, ND XPLAINS March 1, 2023 Stofferahn, Curtis, 2023, Testimony to the Senate Agriculture and Veterans Affairs Committee About the animal Agriculture Exemptions to the North Dakota Corporate Farming Law (HB 1371) Stofferahn, Curtis, 2022, Letter from the Chair, Dakota Counsel, Winter 2022, Vol. 45 No. 3
Stofferahn, Curtis, 2022, Letter from the Chair, Dakota Counsel, Summer 2022, Vol. 45. No. 2
Stofferahn, Curtis, 2022, Letter from the Chair, Dakota Counsel, Spring 2022, Vol. 45. No. 1 Stofferahn, Curtis, 2022, Carrying on the Tradition of the NonpartisanLeague, Last Word, High Plains Reader, April 21st, 2022, Stofferahn, Curtis , 2021 Letter from the Chair, Dakota Counsel, Winter 2021, Vol.44. No. 4
Stofferahn, Curtis, 2021, Letter from the Chair, Dakota Counsel, Fall 2021, Vol. 44. No. 3
Stofferahn, Curtis, 2021, Letter from the Chair, Dakota Counsel, Summer 2021, Vol 44. No. 2
Stofferahn, Curtis, 2021, Letter from the Chair, Dakota Counsel, Spring 2021, Vol. 44. No. 1
Stofferahn, Curtis, 2020, Letter from the Chair, Dakota Counsel, Winter 2020, Vol. 43. No. 4 Stofferahn, Curtis, 2017, Report of the Standing Committee on Faculty Rights to President Kennedy Regarding the 605 Grievance Hearing of Dr. Frank Cuozzo vs. University of North Dakota. Curtis Stofferahn, Chair on Behalf of the Committee. Stofferahn, Curtis, 2010, Assessing Northwood’s Recovery from Disaster. Community Connect: The Journal of Civic Voices, 2(1): 15.
Stofferahn, Curtis, Jacobson, Britt. 2009. Agricultural Sustainability in North Dakota Communities: Assessing the Barriers to Transitioning to Organic Production. Community Connect: The Journal of Civic Voices, 1(1), 13.
LeMire, Steven, Stofferahn, Curtis, 2009. Farm Fresh Produce in Grand Forks: Assessing the Economic Impact of the Town Square Farmers' Market. Community Connect: The Journal of Civic Voices, 1(1), 14. Naylor, George, Jim Dubert, Bert Henningson, Jr and Curtis Stofferahn, 2007. Farm Bill Basics: Formula for Prosperity and Fairness. InMotion Magazinee, November 18.
Stofferahn, Curtis W. 1989. Cooperation or Conflict in Agricultural Trade: Implications for North Dakota Farmers. Published by Center for Peace Studies, University of North Dakota.
Stofferahn, Curtis W. (Ed.). 1987. Alternatives for Agriculture Task Force Report to the Steering Committee. North Dakota Economic Development Commission: Bismarck, ND.
Lasley, Paul, Rand Conger, and Curtis Stofferahn. 1986. Summary and Conclusions, Pg. 1-4 in Farm Crisis Response: Extension and Research Activities in the North Central Region. North Central Regional Center for Rural Development: Ames, IA. Naylor, George, Merle Hansen, Bert Henningson, Jim Dubert, Carol Hodne, and Curtis Stofferahn, 1986. The United Farmer & Rancher Congress: Strengthening the Spirit of America, September 11-13.
Stofferahn, Curtis W. and Peter F. Korsching. 1980. Communication, Diffusion, and Adoption of Innovations: A Bibliographic Update. Vance Bibliographies: Monticello, IL
Unpublished Manuscripts Stofferahn, Curtis, 2005. Dakota Growers Pasta Company and the Discourse of Conversion, Final Report Submitted to Rural Development -- Cooperative Programs, United States Department of Agriculture
Stofferahn, Curtis, 2006. Industrialized Farming and Its Relationship to Community Well-Being: An Update of a 2000 Report by Linda Lobao. Prepared for the State of North Dakota, Office of the Attorney General. Stofferahn, Curtis W., 2017. Group Farming, Agricultural Production Cooperatives, and Production Cooperatives Bibliography. Prepared for the Center for the Study of Cooperatives, University of Saskatchewan. LeMire, Steven; Stofferahn Curtis, 2009, Report on the 2008 Grand Forks Town Square Farmers’ Market: A Demonstration Project in Assessing Economic Impact. Final Report Submitted to the Center for Community Engagement, Public Scholarship Project.
Stofferahn, Curtis and Linda Tinderholt, 2006. Barriers to Transitioning to Organic Production: Data Analysis. Prepared for the Foundation for Agricultural & Rural Resources Management & Sustainability
Stofferahn, Curtis and Linda Tinderholt. 2005. Do New Generation Cooperatives Make a Difference? Report prepared for Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives, University of Wisconsin, Madison.
Hulse, Dean and Curtis Stofferahn. 2004 Defining Mission: Calling upon Land Grant Institutions to Serve Rural America in the Twenty-First Century, Position paper of the Northern Plains Sustainable Agriculture Society
Goreham, Gary and Curtis Stofferahn (Eds.). 2000. Enhancing Local/Regional Food Systems for Sustainable Development: Leaders Workbook. Prepared for the NDSU Extension Program’s Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Professional Training Program.
Stofferahn, Curtis. 2000. Local/Regional Food Systems. In Enhancing Local/Regional Food Systems for Sustainable Development: Leaders Workbook. Prepared for the NDSU Extension Program’s Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Professional Training Program. Amazing Grains – Grand Forks Food Cooperative Case Study and UND Dining Services Case Study. In Chapter 3: Case Examples of Alternative Components in a Community’s Food System. In Enhancing Local/Regional Food Systems for Sustainable Development: Leaders Workbook. Prepared for the NDSU Extension Program’s Sustainable Agriculture Research &Education Professional Training Program
Stofferahn, Curtis W.; Gary Goreham, and Kelli Rice. 1998. Evaluation of Marketplace of Ideas. Prepared for the ND Department of Agriculture.
Stofferahn, Curtis W, 1985, Family Farming: Persistence, Decline or Transformation? Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Sociology, Iowa State, University, Ames, IA.
Stofferahn, Curtis W., 1981, : Voluntary Association Participation and the Adoption of Innovations. Masters Thesis, Department of Sociology, Iowa State University, Ames, IA.
Stofferahn, Curtis and Aaron Ley. 2022. The Evolution of Corporate Management Practices as Employed in Conflicts Between Labour Unions and Co-operatives. Journal of Cooperative Studies, 55(2): 7-19.
Glenna, Leland L. and Curtis W. Stofferahn. 2022. The Challenge of Christian Deliberation in a Libertarian Context: The Case of the ELCA’s Social Statement on Genetics. Worldviews: Global Religions, Culture, and Ecology March 21, 2022 Online 1-31
Stofferahn, Curtis W. and Jessica D. Ulrich-Schad. 2020. Predicting Support for Oil Industry Regulatory Policy Alternatives During the North Dakota Oil Boom. Journal of Rural Social Sciences 35 (2): .
Gray, Thomas, Curtis Stofferahn and Patricia Hipple. 2014. The Language of De-mutualization; the Case of Dakota Growers Pasta Cooperative. Journal of Cooperative Studies. 47(2): 44-49.
Stofferahn, Curtis. 2012. Community Capitals and Disaster Recovery: Northwood ND Recovers from an EF 4 Tornado. Community Development, Journal of the Community Development Society. 43(5): 581-598.
Stofferahn, Curtis. 2010. South Dakota Soybean Processors: The Discourse of Conversion from Coop to LLC, Journal of Cooperatives, 24: 13-43
Stofferahn, Curtis. 2009. Personal, Farm and Value Orientations in Conversion to Organic Farming. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 33(8): 862-884.
Stofferahn, Curtis. 2009. Cooperative Community Development: A Comparative Case Study of Locality-Based Impacts of New Generation Cooperatives. Community Development: The Journal of the Community Development Society, 40(3/2), 177-198.
Lobao, Linda and Curtis W. Stofferahn, 2008. The community effects of industrialized farming: Social science research and challenges to corporate farming laws. Agriculture and Human Values. Volume 25, No. 2 (Summer), 219-240.
Stofferahn, Curtis Stofferahn, 2004. Individualism or Cooperation: Preferences for Sharing Machinery and Labor; Journal of Cooperatives 18:1-17.
Stofferahn, Curtis, 2000 Underemployment: Social Fact or Socially Constructed Reality? in Rural Sociology 65 (2): 311-330 (Special edition on qualitative methods).
Stofferahn, Curtis, Making a Living: Adaptation Strategies of the Rural Underemployed, The Great Plains Sociologist: 10: 48-67.
Stofferahn, Curtis W. Do Rural North Dakotans Have a Negative Mindset? The Great Plains Sociologist 5: 66-75.
Stofferahn, Curtis W., Cordell A. Fontaine, and Lonny A. Borgerson. 1991. Trend Analysis of Rural Underemployment: An Example from North Dakota. The Great Plains Sociologist 4: 69-86.
Stofferahn, Curtis W., Cordell A. Fontaine, Douglas J. McDonald, Mike Spletto, and Holly Jeanotte. 1991. Growth Fundamentalism in Dying Rural Towns: Implications for Rural Development Practitioners. Agriculture and Human Values. 8: 25-34.
Stofferahn, Curtis W. 1990.Free Trade or Managed Trade: Implications for North Dakota Farmers. The Great Plains Sociologist 3: 45-66.
Stofferahn, Curtis W. and Peter F. Korsching. 1986 Ecological determinants of agrarian protest. Iowa State Journal of Research 61(1): 123 141. Journal Paper No. J-10086 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa. Project No. 2409.
Korsching, Peter F., Curtis W. Stofferahn, Peter J. Nowak, and Donald J. Wagener. 1983. Adopter categories and adoption patterns of minimum tillage: Implications for soil conservation programs. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 38: 4 28 430.
Invited Publications Glenna, Leland and Curtis Stofferahn. 2018. When “Farming and Faith Collide”: The Role of Agrarianism and Libertarianism in the Opposition to the ELCA’s Statement on Genetics and Faith. Journal of Lutheran Ethics Volume 18, Issue 2.
Gray, Thomas, Curtis Stofferahn, and Patricia Hipple. 2012. Historical Retrospective on the Conversion and Multinationalization of Dakota Growers Pasta Company: A Critical Discourse Analysis. Occasional Paper from the Center for Study of Cooperatives, University of Saskatchewan.
Stofferahn, Curtis. 1998. Convergence, Divergence, or Similarity? A Test of Alternative Explanations for Perceptions of Threats to Rural North Dakota and Support for Economic Development Strategies, North Dakota Quarterly. 65(4): 228-253
Stofferahn, Curtis. 2000. Why Should Urban North Dakotans Care about Rural North Dakotans? Invited article for Prairie Public Television Website on The Changing Face of Agriculture. Chapters in Books
Stofferahn, C. 2014. In Neal Van Alfen (Ed.), Industrialized Farming and Its Relationship to Community Well-Being (vol. 4). San Diego,CA: The Encyclopedia of Agriculture and Food Systems, Elsevier, Inc.
Gray, T. and Stofferahn, C. 2013. Eliminating Organizational Tensions, Dis-embedding Farmers: A Ten-Year Retrospective on the (Organizational) Political-Economic Losses of Dakota Growers Pasta Company. Chapter 14. In Gregory Fulkerson and Alexander R. Thomas (eds.) Studies in Urbanormativity: Rural Community in Urban Society. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books, Division of Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.
Korsching, Peter F. and Curtis W. Stofferahn. 1986. Agriculture and Rural Community Interdependencies, Pg. 245 266 in Joseph J. Molnar (ed.) Agricultural Change: Consequences for Southern Farms and Rural Communities. Westview Press: Boulder, CO. Other Publications Stofferahn, Curtis, 2024, Letter from the Chair, Dakota Counsel, Winter 2024, Vol. 47. No. 3 Stofferahn, Curtis, 2024, Two Contrasting Visions of Agriculture,, Last Word, December 2nd, High Plains Reader, Stofferahn, Curtis, 2024, Go Home and Slop the Hogs: Examples of Anti-democratic Efforts in North Dakota, Last Word, October 21st, High Plains Reader, Stofferahn, Curtis, 2024, Letter from the Chair, Dakota Counsel, Summer 2024, Vol. 47 No. 2 Stofferahn, Curtis, 2024, Letter from the Chair, Dakota Counsel, Spring 2024, Vol. 47 No. 1 Stofferahn, Curtis, 2023, Letter to the Editor, Fargo Forum, December 13, 2023, It's time for NDFU members to reflect on their core values. Stofferahn, Curtis, 2023, Letter from the Chair, Dakota Counsel, Winter 2023, Vol 46. No. 3 Stofferahn, Curtis, 2023, Letter from the Chair, Dakota Counsel, Summer 2023, Vol. 46. No. 2 Stofferahn, Curtis, 2023, Letter from the Chair, Dakota Counsel, Spring 2023, Vol. 46. No. 1 Stofferahn, Curtis, 2023, Guest Column: HB 1371 Animal agriculture exemptions to corporate farming law, ND XPLAINS March 1, 2023 Stofferahn, Curtis, 2023, Testimony to the Senate Agriculture and Veterans Affairs Committee About the animal Agriculture Exemptions to the North Dakota Corporate Farming Law (HB 1371) Stofferahn, Curtis, 2022, Letter from the Chair, Dakota Counsel, Winter 2022, Vol. 45 No. 3
Stofferahn, Curtis, 2022, Letter from the Chair, Dakota Counsel, Summer 2022, Vol. 45. No. 2
Stofferahn, Curtis, 2022, Letter from the Chair, Dakota Counsel, Spring 2022, Vol. 45. No. 1 Stofferahn, Curtis, 2022, Carrying on the Tradition of the NonpartisanLeague, Last Word, High Plains Reader, April 21st, 2022, Stofferahn, Curtis , 2021 Letter from the Chair, Dakota Counsel, Winter 2021, Vol.44. No. 4
Stofferahn, Curtis, 2021, Letter from the Chair, Dakota Counsel, Fall 2021, Vol. 44. No. 3
Stofferahn, Curtis, 2021, Letter from the Chair, Dakota Counsel, Summer 2021, Vol 44. No. 2
Stofferahn, Curtis, 2021, Letter from the Chair, Dakota Counsel, Spring 2021, Vol. 44. No. 1
Stofferahn, Curtis, 2020, Letter from the Chair, Dakota Counsel, Winter 2020, Vol. 43. No. 4 Stofferahn, Curtis, 2017, Report of the Standing Committee on Faculty Rights to President Kennedy Regarding the 605 Grievance Hearing of Dr. Frank Cuozzo vs. University of North Dakota. Curtis Stofferahn, Chair on Behalf of the Committee. Stofferahn, Curtis, 2010, Assessing Northwood’s Recovery from Disaster. Community Connect: The Journal of Civic Voices, 2(1): 15.
Stofferahn, Curtis, Jacobson, Britt. 2009. Agricultural Sustainability in North Dakota Communities: Assessing the Barriers to Transitioning to Organic Production. Community Connect: The Journal of Civic Voices, 1(1), 13.
LeMire, Steven, Stofferahn, Curtis, 2009. Farm Fresh Produce in Grand Forks: Assessing the Economic Impact of the Town Square Farmers' Market. Community Connect: The Journal of Civic Voices, 1(1), 14. Naylor, George, Jim Dubert, Bert Henningson, Jr and Curtis Stofferahn, 2007. Farm Bill Basics: Formula for Prosperity and Fairness. InMotion Magazinee, November 18.
Stofferahn, Curtis W. 1989. Cooperation or Conflict in Agricultural Trade: Implications for North Dakota Farmers. Published by Center for Peace Studies, University of North Dakota.
Stofferahn, Curtis W. (Ed.). 1987. Alternatives for Agriculture Task Force Report to the Steering Committee. North Dakota Economic Development Commission: Bismarck, ND.
Lasley, Paul, Rand Conger, and Curtis Stofferahn. 1986. Summary and Conclusions, Pg. 1-4 in Farm Crisis Response: Extension and Research Activities in the North Central Region. North Central Regional Center for Rural Development: Ames, IA. Naylor, George, Merle Hansen, Bert Henningson, Jim Dubert, Carol Hodne, and Curtis Stofferahn, 1986. The United Farmer & Rancher Congress: Strengthening the Spirit of America, September 11-13.
Stofferahn, Curtis W. and Peter F. Korsching. 1980. Communication, Diffusion, and Adoption of Innovations: A Bibliographic Update. Vance Bibliographies: Monticello, IL
Unpublished Manuscripts Stofferahn, Curtis, 2005. Dakota Growers Pasta Company and the Discourse of Conversion, Final Report Submitted to Rural Development -- Cooperative Programs, United States Department of Agriculture
Stofferahn, Curtis, 2006. Industrialized Farming and Its Relationship to Community Well-Being: An Update of a 2000 Report by Linda Lobao. Prepared for the State of North Dakota, Office of the Attorney General. Stofferahn, Curtis W., 2017. Group Farming, Agricultural Production Cooperatives, and Production Cooperatives Bibliography. Prepared for the Center for the Study of Cooperatives, University of Saskatchewan. LeMire, Steven; Stofferahn Curtis, 2009, Report on the 2008 Grand Forks Town Square Farmers’ Market: A Demonstration Project in Assessing Economic Impact. Final Report Submitted to the Center for Community Engagement, Public Scholarship Project.
Stofferahn, Curtis and Linda Tinderholt, 2006. Barriers to Transitioning to Organic Production: Data Analysis. Prepared for the Foundation for Agricultural & Rural Resources Management & Sustainability
Stofferahn, Curtis and Linda Tinderholt. 2005. Do New Generation Cooperatives Make a Difference? Report prepared for Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives, University of Wisconsin, Madison.
Hulse, Dean and Curtis Stofferahn. 2004 Defining Mission: Calling upon Land Grant Institutions to Serve Rural America in the Twenty-First Century, Position paper of the Northern Plains Sustainable Agriculture Society
Goreham, Gary and Curtis Stofferahn (Eds.). 2000. Enhancing Local/Regional Food Systems for Sustainable Development: Leaders Workbook. Prepared for the NDSU Extension Program’s Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Professional Training Program.
Stofferahn, Curtis. 2000. Local/Regional Food Systems. In Enhancing Local/Regional Food Systems for Sustainable Development: Leaders Workbook. Prepared for the NDSU Extension Program’s Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Professional Training Program. Amazing Grains – Grand Forks Food Cooperative Case Study and UND Dining Services Case Study. In Chapter 3: Case Examples of Alternative Components in a Community’s Food System. In Enhancing Local/Regional Food Systems for Sustainable Development: Leaders Workbook. Prepared for the NDSU Extension Program’s Sustainable Agriculture Research &Education Professional Training Program
Stofferahn, Curtis W.; Gary Goreham, and Kelli Rice. 1998. Evaluation of Marketplace of Ideas. Prepared for the ND Department of Agriculture.
Stofferahn, Curtis W, 1985, Family Farming: Persistence, Decline or Transformation? Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Sociology, Iowa State, University, Ames, IA.
Stofferahn, Curtis W., 1981, : Voluntary Association Participation and the Adoption of Innovations. Masters Thesis, Department of Sociology, Iowa State University, Ames, IA.